23 April 2008

Great Web Site for Biblical Texts

dbg I recently came across a great web site for biblical texts. It is the website of the Deutsche Biblegesellshcaft, the German bible society. When you register at their site, you can get access to the BHS, NA27, Rahlf's LXX, the Vulgate as well as the Gute Nachtricht and Luther Bibel. All for free.

It installs on the Google search window on Firefox, as well as other browsers. This means you put in a verse or word and click on the appropriate resource in the window, and it pops up in the browser. Very Neat.

The caveats are, of course, you either need to know some German to register, or be fluent in Babel Fish. There are a few mouse-over tips that show up in English for the various parts of the form to help you know that they are looking for your address, country, and so forth.

Actually, I know enough German to work through it all, but in the end I ran a couple of emails through Babel Fish just to confirm my translation, and it was pretty close.

Although I have Logos/Libronix with all the language modules, this has proven handy a couple of times when I needed to check out something and didn't want to boot up the Logos program.

So, check it out.

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